Alternative Pain Treatments for Back Pain, Neck Pain, Leg Pain, Arthritis Pain…
An Orange County Chiropractor in practice since 1990, Dr. Melissa R. Ritter incorporates many modalities for patient care. In her daily practice Dr. Ritter treats pain that stems from a wide range of acute or chronic conditions including: Fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, neck or low back pain, disc injuries including herniated disc and sciatic pain…
Incorporating Chiropractic treatments with Laser therapy and Scenar therapy, each alternative treatment for pain is customized to meet the patient’s particular pain issues. With Dr. Ritter, treatment plans are discussed in advance– there are never any surprises.
Class IV Laser Light Therapy for Pain Relief
In 2006 Class IV laser light therapy was just beginning to be recognized as a successful alternative pain treatment. Dr. Ritter immediately saw the benefits and quickly
became one of the first Orange County Chiropractors to incorporate Class IV laser therapy for pain into her practice. When properly administered, deep tissue laser therapy floods tissues and energizes damaged cells, increasing circulation and reducing inflammation—providing much needed pain relief.
FDA cleared for natural pain management, this non surgical, non invasive treatment has been providing relief for Dr. Ritter’s patients too numerous to count. Our website has just a few of their success stories; for many, Dr. Ritter’s Class IV laser therapy treatments were a last resort—finally allowing them to return to pain free lives.
Spinal Decompression Traction
As a complement to laser
therapy Dr. Ritter offers spinal decompression traction for the treatment of lumbar and cervical disc syndrome. Spinal Decompression is an effective form of therapy for neck and low back pain related to bulging discs, degenerative discs, and in some cases herniated discs. It may also benefit compressed nerves associated with spinal stenosis and herniated discs in the neck and lower back.
SCENAR Therapy for Pain Relief
The latest in alternative pain treatments, SCENAR pain therapy offers hope–as well as results–for millions of people suffering from chronic and/or acute pain and physical dysfunctions who may not respond to other forms of treatments. Always at the forefront of natural pain management, Dr. Ritter is one of the few practitioners in Southern California to employ SCENAR (Self-Controlled-Energy-Neuro-Adaptive Regulator) therapy as a solution to those suffering from pain related to arthritis, tendonitis, neuralgia (nerve pain), sprains, and many other ailments.
SCENAR therapy was recently cleared by the FDA for use on patients because of its safety and effectiveness. As you can see by the testimonials from Dr. Ritter’s patients, SCENAR pain therapy provided much needed pain relief for a myriad of conditions that previously had not responded to other forms of pain treatments.
Chiropractic Treatments
, Laser Light Therapy, or SCENAR Therapy—One Size Does NOT Fit ALL
Dr. Ritter understands that each patient’s condition requires an individual approach to natural pain management. With a wide range of options available,
Dr. Ritter is able to design an alternative pain management program that offers relief from many chronic and/or acute pain issues.
Contact Dr. Ritter today for an appointment and begin a pain free life–at last.